Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Bachelorette

Ok I am so mad right now!!  I seriously can't believe that she got rid of Jake!!  Is she nuts?!  Did she have like a total whack attack?!  He is gorgeous and so sweet!!  Plus he basically told her that he loved her and she totally rejects him!!  The thing that bugs me is that she says that he is "too perfect" and that she is good at reading people, yet she still doesn't see what a weasel face Wes is!!  He publicly said on TV that he is only there to promote his new album and that he is there for the fame.  He is such a scum bag and she adores him!  I think that she should have kept Jake longer!!  I really hope that he gets asked to be the next Bachelor because I love him!  He needs to find a girl!  If I wasn't already married....:)

Now that Jake is gone I am rooting for Kypton.  He is my favorite!!  He is so cute and so fun!  If she doesn't pick him than she is completely nuts!!

1 comment:

Gail said...

I never watch this show, but after watching with you the other night, I totally agree. He was perfect and she would be lucky to have him!