Friday, May 29, 2009

The Bachelorette Premiere!

Ok I am so excited about the Bachelorette this season!!  I love Jillian and I am so glad that she is the new Bachelorette :)  The past two episodes have been so good and I am totally sucked in!  

So some of the guys are a little weird slash annoying, but some of them are so cute!!  I really like Kypton and Jake the best.  Oh my gosh!  They have the most amazing bodies ever and they are so good looking!  I can't wait to see what's going to happen next :)

American Idol Finale

So I have been way busy lately and keep forgetting to post about this.  Even though it's kinda late I thought I would just say YEAH!!!!!  I'm so happy that Kris won!!  The shock on Adam's face was priceless :)  Don't get me wrong, I know that I have been pretty mean to Adam, but I do think he can sing I just don't think he is as great as everyone and himself thinks.  I was glad that Kris won because he was the underdog and I feel like he really appreciated it more.  I personally like his voice more than Adam's and I was really happy :)  I will say however, I still think Danny should have won!  I still think that he had the best voice :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

American Idol

Ok so what the frick happened last night??!!  I am so PISSED!!  I can't believe that Danny got voted off!!  He was by far the best to me and I am so sad that he is leaving now.  I don't think I even want to watch the finale next week.  I don't think I can stand listening to Adam for 3 songs.  He seriously bugs me!  I really am not a fan.  I think Danny totally should have won! 
Don't worry Danny I still am rooting for you!  Even though you didn't win I know that you are gonna have a great career and I will so be buying one of your CDs :)  

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Oh my gosh if you don't watch Chuck you need to!  It is hilarious!  The finale was so good and just love this show :)  This scene from the wedding was hysterical!

Poor Ellie! Even though her first wedding got ruined, I loved how they got married on the beach and she looked so pretty :)  I thought it was such a good finale and I love that Chuck has fighting skills now!  I'm excited to see what's gonna happen next!

The Heroes finale was so insane!  I can't believe what happened to Nathan!  And why does Syler have to be a shape shifter?!  I'm curious to see what is going to happen next season.

I hate Syler!!  He's so scary!!  Spencer loves him, but he seriously creeps me out!  I can't believe that he is now Nathan.  This show is just crazy!!

I'm excited to see how they are going to develop Tracy's power even though she is a little crazy bad.

I love Private Practice!  If you don't watch it then start.  It's so good!  Anyway, the season finale was last week and it was intense!  I like that Violet and Pete are together now, but I can't believe that the crazy patient found her!!  Oh my gosh!!  I'm sad that Naomi is ditching out on the practice, but I'm sure that it will all work out. 

I can't believe what happened with Violet!!  I can't wait until September to find out!  It was like the worst cliff hanger ever!  I hope that someone finds her in time!